Saturday, January 19, 2013

I survived...

10 minutes into my Facebook cleanse and I'm having withdrawals. Thank god for Pinterest. And blogging. You didn't think I'd go away completely, did you? Sorry peeps, no such luck.

I shut down my page at midnight, knowing that I would just go right to sleep afterwards. I've noticed that after I put my son to sleep at night, I spend the remainder of the evening with my face in front of electronics. It's the only time of the day that I have that opportunity, but it also can make for some late nights. Do you know how much stuff is out there on the Internet?

I read a study that says electronic screens before going to bed are too stimulating for the brain and inhibit sleep. Considering that I frequently suffer from insomnia, I decided to commit to a 10pm bedtime. Just get in bed by ten o'clock and leave the iPad, phone and TV remotes alone! I tried it last night and at first I was tossing and turning. I'm so accustomed to having the TV on before sleep that the silence was giving me anxiety. So, I cheated, just a little. I used my phone to download a sleep machine app. I turned on soothing beach waves and spa music and set the timer for one hour. I was convinced I would still be awake by the end of the hour, but I was at least going to try. Well, I didn't make it an hour. I actually fell asleep. Hallelujah! Committing to an earlier bedtime actually worked. The next thing I knew I was awakened by my phone ringing at 3:30am. (It was my husband. It's just part of being a fisherman's wife). Five hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. The other miracle is that my son was still in his own bed, but that is a whole other post. The added benefit to better sleep was my renewed energy this morning that helped push me out the door on a freezing morning walk. My Facebook cleanse is already helping me to develop healthier habits.

Sleep training for adults, what a concept.

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